Sunday, July 28, 2013

Let The Growing Begin

Two weeks ago I decided it was about time to start getting the food plot ready for this upcoming season. Now on our farm we don't really need to plant food plots, because of our forty acre alfalfa field. I like to offer the deer a variety tho and its a good spot to sit for close range shots when bow hunting. I started out mowing the old plot down with the mower and then spraying to kill all the grass that had come through this spring and summer. After about ten days I went back in with the tractor and disc and disced the plot, and working the soil to loosen it up a bit. I waited a couple of days and disced the plot again just to turn over the rest of the dead grass and loosen the dirt a bit more. After getting the vertical cedar rubbing post I talked about in my last post built, I spread Invites food plot woodland blend seed evenly across the plot. After spreading the seed I went back and spread fertilizer evenly at about two hundred pounds to the acre. Next I dragged the plot with a make shift drag made out of a cattle panel with a tire on top of it for weight. I lucked out the next couple of days with  steady rain, and after only 4 days passing the plot as already sprouted and is begging to grow. What are some things you have tried in the past to get a successful food plot?

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