Today I noticed that someone had posted on Facebook that they wished hunting season was year around. I clicked on there post after noticing that there were over fifty comments to read through them hoping maybe someone had the same view as me. After reading through them most of them said, Amen or I wish and also yeah but then there wouldn't be enough animals. Well here is my opinion about the whole post. Hunting season is year around for me. Lets start in January, here in Missouri you can bow hunt till the 15th so that takes half the month, starting on the 16th I jump into predator hunting full swing and have until the 31st to kill Bobcats and the whole month of February and March to kill Coyotes. Starting the first of April spring Turkey season kicks in and runs for 3 weeks. After that I have a bit of a break from killing animals but that doesn't mean the hunting stops. I start hunting for places to hang new tree stands and where new food plots might do well, as well as putting out mineral sites and scouting. I get trail cameras in place, fields burned, trees trimmed, trails made, food plots planted and anything else I can do to make the environment I hunt in better. Some I guess will say, well that's not really hunting, but to me it is. Everything you do, from the preparation, to sitting in that stand you hung waiting for whatever your hunting to walk by is the process of hunting. So lets get back into the calendar the last week of April after Turkey season is over is when I start this whole process, and don't stop until the first day of bow season on September 15th. Although not every day is the work side of hunting, there's squirrel hunting starting May 25th through the end of the year, frog gigging starting June 30th and running through October, as well as Dove hunting starting September 1st running through the first part of November, and don't forget about bowfishing that runs year around. For me once Deer season starts on September 15th that all I think about till it ends in January, which starts my year over with the same schedule. So for me hunting season is year around whether its sitting in a stand or preparing the land, its all a part of hunting. Check out my Facebook page at to leave me comments and tell me your opinions. Thanks for reading and good luck throughout the year HUNTING.
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